(Sexual) harassment

    Harassment is discrimination when unwanted conduct violates a person's dignity and creates an environment of intimidation, hostility, humiliation, degradation or insult.

    Sexual harassment is discrimination when unwanted sexually directed conduct violates a person's dignity. It includes conduct involving unwanted sexual acts and requests for such acts, sexually explicit physical touching, remarks of a sexual nature, and the unwanted display and visible placing of pornographic images, in particular when it creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment.

    Examples of sexually harassing behaviour in the workplace


    • suggestive and ambiguous remarks, jokes and comments about clothing, appearance and private life
    • questions with sexual content about private life or privacy
    • sexualised or inappropriate invitations to a date
    • invitations to perform intimate or sexual acts


    • Staring, lewd looks, whistling at the back of the head
    • obscene gestures, exhibitionist acts
    • sending messages or showing pictures with sexual content
    • making inappropriate advances on social networking sites
    • exposure


    • any unwanted touching, physical approach outside the usual distance limit


    Corporal violence and any form of sexual assault are punishable by law and are not punished under the AGG but under the Criminal Code.




    Last Modification: 12.10.2023 - Contact Person: Webmaster